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Nexus Music Entertainments Ltd management apologizes to Neo Slayer for not releasing the song “Back To The Sender” as Scheduled
Nexus Music Entertainments Ltd management apologizes to Neo Slayer for not releasing the song "Back To The Sender" as Scheduled

The management at Nexus music entertainments Ltd admits that they didn’t follow what they agreed with the singer to release his song Back To The Sender on the 17/06/2022 instead they favoured Yo Maps Yo and released his song Mr Romantic which was supposed to be released after Neo Slayer’s song.
This made Neo Slayer to be disappointed and feel neglected.
And now the management at Nexus music entertainments Ltd has just apologized to Neo Slayer they wrote below.
Neo Slayer Zambia your new song, Back to the Sender, is a masterpiece! We apologise for not releasing your fire 🔥🔥 video on Friday as promised. Sorry Neo. We shall release it soon without much delay. #NeoSlayer #WinningTeam #NexusMusic
Listen to this masterpiece here!